Beyond the Ranch

Daily Olive Oil: A Simple Step Toward a Healthi...
The New Year is a time for fresh starts, and for many, that means setting goals to live a healthier, more balanced life. Whether you're aiming to eat better, maintain...
Daily Olive Oil: A Simple Step Toward a Healthier New Year
The New Year is a time for fresh starts, and for many, that means setting goals to live a healthier, more balanced life. Whether you're aiming to eat better, maintain a healthier weight, or simply feel your best, small daily changes can make a significant difference. Incorporating Pasolivo’s premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil into your routine is a delicious and impactful way to support your New Year’s resolutions.

Olive Leaf Tea: A Mediterranean Wellness Secret
For centuries, the Mediterranean lifestyle has been celebrated for its focus on natural, plant-based remedies, and one of its best-kept secrets is olive leaf tea. Made from the leaves of...
Olive Leaf Tea: A Mediterranean Wellness Secret
For centuries, the Mediterranean lifestyle has been celebrated for its focus on natural, plant-based remedies, and one of its best-kept secrets is olive leaf tea. Made from the leaves of olive trees, Pasolivo Lavender Chamomile Olive Leaf Tea is brimming with powerful antioxidants and other natural compounds that support various aspects of health. Let’s dive into the many benefits of olive leaf tea, and why you should consider adding it to your wellness routine.

The Ultimate Guide to the Olive Oil Martini: Ho...
Learn how to make an olive oil fat-washed martini, including how to fat wash gin (or vodka), the best martini olives to use, and more.
The Ultimate Guide to the Olive Oil Martini: How to Fat Wash Gin, the Best Martini Olives & More
Learn how to make an olive oil fat-washed martini, including how to fat wash gin (or vodka), the best martini olives to use, and more.

The Serotonin Salad: Nourish Your Mental Wellness
Feel-Good Fuel About 90% of our serotonin is created in our stomach and intestines. It’s synthesized through the essential amino acid tryptophan which is sourced from our diet. It’s commonly...
The Serotonin Salad: Nourish Your Mental Wellness
Feel-Good Fuel About 90% of our serotonin is created in our stomach and intestines. It’s synthesized through the essential amino acid tryptophan which is sourced from our diet. It’s commonly found in chicken, eggs, dairy, fish, peanuts, pumpkin and sesame seeds, turkey, and soy products. Consuming high levels of tryptophan and other choice vitamins is a great way to improve mood stability and experience more joy. Talk about feel-good food! Based on these principles, I created The Serotonin Salad. It features ingredients high in tryptophan and a few other vitamins, minerals, and other compounds known to improve mental health. Let’s go over each featured ingredient and its effect on the brain. But First: What is Serotonin? Serotonin, A.K.A “the happy hormone,” is a neurotransmitter that sends messages between your nerve cells. It acts as a natural mood stabilizer. In addition to managing our emotional state, serotonin also plays a role in our ability to learn, form memories, control bowel movements, heal wounds, and regulate sleep and body temperature. Sourcing B-12 and Folic Acid B-12 and folic acid are essential vitamins that our bodies use to break down an amino acid called homocysteine. B-12 and folic acid deficiencies are a threat to our health as raised levels of homocysteine can lead to depression, dementia, and various heart problems. So how can we get more B-12 and folic acid in our diet to prevent illness? Dark leafy greens! The base of The Serotonin Salad is kale. Spinach and arugula are perfectly acceptable substitutions. Other good sources of these vitamins include eggs, legumes, broccoli, and asparagus, to name a few. Capsaicin’s Role in Mental Health Studies show that consuming more spicy food could reduce symptoms of depression thanks to the compound capsaicin which is found in chili peppers. Capsaicin sends signals to pain...
Are You Buying Phony Olive Oil?
Want to see some photos from our 2018 harvest? If you want to know more about the the process, harvest happens in October. Stop by for a tour and a...
Are You Buying Phony Olive Oil?
Want to see some photos from our 2018 harvest? If you want to know more about the the process, harvest happens in October. Stop by for a tour and a taste of Olio Nuovo (the freshest olive oil you can find!)
Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil for the Skin
Olive oil is commonly used in bath and body products as it is a natural moisturizer The health benefits of olive oil go far beyond how often we consume the...
Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil for the Skin
Olive oil is commonly used in bath and body products as it is a natural moisturizer The health benefits of olive oil go far beyond how often we consume the product. In fact, it's common to have olive oil sitting in your medicine cabinet for anything besides drinking it. Olive oil has several uses, some of which you may not have known or heard of before. We have compiled some of the most common ways that olive oil can benefit your skin and prevent aging. According to Women's Health Magazine, olive oil can be used to eliminate wrinkles. Use extra virgin olive oil as a daily moisturizer, a pre-cleanser before your main cleanse, and as an anti-aging regimen. Since olive oil does not contain harsh chemicals, it doesn't damage the skin, and, in turn, contains moisturizing benefits. It is a safe and alternate way to provide yourself with a glow that is complete with a natural moisturizer. Extra virgin olive oil can also help reduce dandruff and keep your cuticles and nails healthy. Huffington Post also added that you can use olive oil for dry and irritated skin, sun burns, rashes, and bug bites. This is especially useful in the summer when the temperature can be in triple digits or in the dry, winter months. Whether you are camping, cooking, at the beach, or in the woods, olive oil can be a staple product. In the article by Marie Claire, "5 Reasons You Should Be Using Olives from Head to Toe" it said, "..if you're relegating olives as lettuce toppers and olive oil as one half of your vinaigrette, you're missing out on some of its most potent benefits—the ability to make your hair gleam, skin glow, and even freshen up your manicure." Olive oil in bath and body products...

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