Beyond the Ranch

How Do I Know If My Olive Oil Is Real? Everything You Need to Know About Olive Oil Fraud

How Do I Know If My Olive Oil Is Real? Everythi...

In November 2023, Spanish and Italian authorities arrested 11 suspects discovered to be involved in a fraudulent organized crime ring. During the international bust, they seized 12 barrels containing more...

How Do I Know If My Olive Oil Is Real? Everything You Need to Know About Olive Oil Fraud

In November 2023, Spanish and Italian authorities arrested 11 suspects discovered to be involved in a fraudulent organized crime ring. During the international bust, they seized 12 barrels containing more than 260,000 liters of the most counterfeited item in all of Europe: olive oil. It became the latest seizure in a long-running, scandal-ridden history of olive oil fraud. Rich in antioxidants, heart-healthy fats, and robust flavors, it’s easy to see why extra virgin olive oil has earned the nickname “liquid gold.” But for as long as this sought-after oil has been a culinary staple, it has also been the subject of widespread fraud. It’s a trend that spans across the food industry as a whole, and it impacts everyday shoppers just like you. Do you find yourself asking, "How can I tell if my olive oil is real?" Wondering how you can identify a high-quality olive oil and keep fake EVOOs out of your kitchen? Read on for details about why olive oil fraud matters, how to tell if your olive oil is real, and the steps we take at Pasolivo to put quality and transparency first. Is Olive Oil Fraud Really a Thing? Yes, it is, and it has been for quite some time. Some sources even trace it all the way back to ancient Rome. Today, it happens on a massive scale—to the tune of the 260,000 counterfeit liters authorities seized last winter and deemed “unfit for consumption.” The issue is so prevalent that Italian authorities recently launched a full investigation into seven of the country’s leading olive oil producers and their practices. According to Europol, factors like price inflation, reduced olive oil production, and increasing demand have created “the perfect breeding ground for fraudulent producers.” It’s not just a problem that exists abroad; even in the U.S.,...

What Are the Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet?

What Are the Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet?

The Mediterranean Diet has been highly regarded and recommended by physicians for decades. This culturally focused healthy-eating pattern is known for its miraculous effect on cardiovascular health. There are many...

What Are the Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet?

The Mediterranean Diet has been highly regarded and recommended by physicians for decades. This culturally focused healthy-eating pattern is known for its miraculous effect on cardiovascular health. There are many other benefits of the Mediterranean Diet, which includes foods like fish, veggies, and, of course, extra virgin olive oil. Why does the Mediterranean Diet come so highly recommended? Read on to learn more about its origins, what it includes, and how it can help you feel your healthiest. Plus, get your Mediterranean Diet meal plan with healthy recipes. Origins of the Mediterranean Diet The term “Mediterranean Diet” originates from a medical study conducted by Ancel Keys in the 1950s called The Seven Countries Study. This research compared the diet and cardiovascular health of cohorts from the USA, Finland, former Yugoslavia, Netherlands, Greece, Italy, and Japan over the course of 50 years. Keys and his team found that populations in Greece and Italy had 39% lower risk for coronary mortality, and 29% lower risk for cardiovascular mortality compared to the U.S. This phenomenon was attributed to the dietary habits of the selected populations. The Mediterranean Diet originates from ancient societies native to the Mediterranean Basin, otherwise known as “the cradle of civilization.” Although there are 18 countries that border the Mediterranean, with distinct traditions and varied gastronomy, there are some culinary trends that occur across the entire region. The Mediterranean Diet is centered around whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lots of olive oil. This diet limits the consumption of red meat and red wine and includes little to no processed carbs or sweets. Many Mediterranean cultures also emphasize the importance of community. Eating is a celebratory social experience! A Mediterranean local rarely dines alone. Since The Seven Countries Study, The Mediterranean Diet has been extensively examined for other health benefits in...

The Serotonin Salad: Nourish Your Mental Wellness

The Serotonin Salad: Nourish Your Mental Wellness

Feel-Good Fuel About 90% of our serotonin is created in our stomach and intestines. It’s synthesized through the essential amino acid tryptophan which is sourced from our diet. It’s commonly...

The Serotonin Salad: Nourish Your Mental Wellness

Feel-Good Fuel About 90% of our serotonin is created in our stomach and intestines. It’s synthesized through the essential amino acid tryptophan which is sourced from our diet. It’s commonly found in chicken, eggs, dairy, fish, peanuts, pumpkin and sesame seeds, turkey, and soy products. Consuming high levels of tryptophan and other choice vitamins is a great way to improve mood stability and experience more joy. Talk about feel-good food! Based on these principles, I created The Serotonin Salad. It features ingredients high in tryptophan and a few other vitamins, minerals, and other compounds known to improve mental health. Let’s go over each featured ingredient and its effect on the brain. But First: What is Serotonin? Serotonin, A.K.A “the happy hormone,” is a neurotransmitter that sends messages between your nerve cells. It acts as a natural mood stabilizer. In addition to managing our emotional state, serotonin also plays a role in our ability to learn, form memories, control bowel movements, heal wounds, and regulate sleep and body temperature. Sourcing B-12 and Folic Acid B-12 and folic acid are essential vitamins that our bodies use to break down an amino acid called homocysteine. B-12 and folic acid deficiencies are a threat to our health as raised levels of homocysteine can lead to depression, dementia, and various heart problems. So how can we get more B-12 and folic acid in our diet to prevent illness? Dark leafy greens! The base of The Serotonin Salad is kale. Spinach and arugula are perfectly acceptable substitutions. Other good sources of these vitamins include eggs, legumes, broccoli, and asparagus, to name a few. Capsaicin’s Role in Mental Health Studies show that consuming more spicy food could reduce symptoms of depression thanks to the compound capsaicin which is found in chili peppers. Capsaicin sends signals to pain...

Baking with Olive Oil: Your Essential Guide

Baking with Olive Oil: Your Essential Guide

Baking with olive oil can be tricky. Let’s go over the ground rules. Baking is temperamental and precise. I don’t enjoy the process; I find it tedious and restrictive. So...

Baking with Olive Oil: Your Essential Guide

Baking with olive oil can be tricky. Let’s go over the ground rules. Baking is temperamental and precise. I don’t enjoy the process; I find it tedious and restrictive. So many rules, less opportunity for customization. I know there are a lot of chefs/home cooks that would agree with me on that one! Customizing baking recipes is always a gamble– one small adjustment and the entire recipe is thrown off. It’s food science; One must understand the ingredients, their properties, and the role they play in the recipe before swapping out this for that. Let’s talk baking with olive oil! Here are the fundamentals: You can almost always swap oil for oil. Extra virgin olive oil is a fantastic heart-healthy alternative to vegetable or seed oil. Swapping EVOO for another oil will have no effect on the final texture of whatever dish you’re creating UNLESS the oil you intend to replace is Crisco or lard. Since they’re saturated fats and solid at room temperature, it’s not a good swap. Olive oil will perform differently due to density. Only use EVOO in place of another liquid oil. One instance we do not recommend using olive oil in place of seed or vegetable oil is when deep frying. A neutral, high smoke point oil should be the only oil used for frying. EVOO is too pungent and intense. It will overwhelm the flavor of whatever food is being fried. That, and it’s too expensive to use in such a high volume. So olive oil fried apple fritters are a no-go. Consider the flavor profile. Our flavored olive oils are perfect for baking. Especially our citrus olive oils– they pack so much flavor into baked goods. Pasolivo Tangerine Olive Oil makes THE BEST carrot cake. Want to level up a lemon cake box...

What are Unique Corporate Gift Ideas for 2023?

What are Unique Corporate Gift Ideas 2023? Why do any of us send corporate gifts? We want to want to recognize, appreciate, or connect with a client or employee, right?...

What are Unique Corporate Gift Ideas for 2023?

What are Unique Corporate Gift Ideas 2023? Why do any of us send corporate gifts? We want to want to recognize, appreciate, or connect with a client or employee, right? So where do we start? We think about what kind of gift to send. We think about what options are out there and what that person would prefer. What are the first gifts that come to mind? Chocolate? Wine? Maybe Popcorn? These are nice options. They can be indulgent or elegant or even fun. But, what happens when the person opens the gift? Do you want them to be thinking, “Oh, yay, this is what I get every time. Thank you so much.”? Picture this: a truly unique gift that will surprise them and delight them at the same time! How can you make this happen? What makes a gift unique? Maybe it’s an uncommon or hard to find item. Maybe it’s from a small, family-owned company that mostly caters to their local area, making it like a well-kept secret and an amazing find when you happen upon it. A truly unique gift combines these factors. And, once we find a truly unique and well-kept secret what do we want to do? Share it! Pasolivo olive oil gifts are that secret that you want to share. Our international award-winning olive oils are created on a family-owned orchard that caters to the central coast of California. We’re like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. We’re so proud of our gourmet olive oils that we take them to world olive oil competitions every year and come back with medals. Not only are our extra virgin olive oils packed with flavor, they are also packed with polyphenols which make them a healthy gift option as well. So, our truly...

Beyond your Basic Vinaigrette

How to Step Up Your Salad Dressing Game Here at Pasolivo, we’re big believers in the Mediterranean Diet. Based on the traditional cuisine of Greece, Spain, Italy, Lebanon, Turkey, etc.,...

Beyond your Basic Vinaigrette

How to Step Up Your Salad Dressing Game Here at Pasolivo, we’re big believers in the Mediterranean Diet. Based on the traditional cuisine of Greece, Spain, Italy, Lebanon, Turkey, etc., The Mediterranean Diet is known to decrease risk of heart disease and increase longevity, as scientific studies have shown. These countries are part of the 5 Blue Zones of the world– regions where the average life expectancy is significantly higher than the average American thanks to the diet and lifestyle of each given culture. The Mediterranean diet is full of polyphenol-rich olive oil, seasonal fruits and veggies, and limited dairy and meat consumption. Eat Like a Mediterranean The Mediterranean diet requires at least 4 servings of vegetables daily, going beyond the USDA recommendation of 2 to 3 cups of vegetables for the average adult. For those health-conscious foodies out there, salad is often a daily menu item to hit these goals. And since olive oil is the primary source of fat in the Mediterranean Diet, a vinaigrette to pair is a must. Which can get a little boring, we must admit. So If you’re tired of the same old, lackluster oil and balsamic vinaigrette, here’s some tips to step up your salad dressing game. A great way to zest up the average dressing is to use a flavorful, unique fruit vinegar or balsamic vinegar. Our Winter Ambrosia is a club member favorite—made with pears, apples, and warm spices. First Things First When concocting the perfect salad dressing, it’s best to start with simple, quality ingredients. Vinaigrettes are typically 75% oil! It’s the flavor base of the dressing. Using a California-grown, award-winning Extra Virgin Olive Oil makes all the difference. Legitimate cold-pressed EVOO has a superior flavor profile compared to the average, store-bought olive oil. Bold, fruity, peppery, and well-rounded. Better...